Jennifer from Houston, Texas writes
I have Cedar Elm trees and noticed the leaves at the crown of the tree turned brown, within a week the entire tree was dead. Surrounding cedar elm trees became infected. I microinjected propioconazole 14.3 given the ratio recommened. I would like to know how often can I use medication to cure the tree from this fungus.
The Propiconazole 14.3 label states the following: Preventive applications can be made at 6 to 10 ml/inch DBH. The 6 ml rate provides 24 months control and the 10 ml rate provides 36 months control. Make therapeutic treatment in trees showing disease symptoms at 10-20 ml/inch DBH. Re-treatment may be needed every 12 to 36 months. Additionally, Propiconazole 14.3 will be most effective when used in conjunction with other cultural practices for management of Dutch elm disease (removal of dead elm trees, pruning of diseased tree limbs and branches, control of bark beetles, etc
Answer last updated on: 07/16/2019