Product Q&A

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Charles from St Louis Mo writes

How often or when does the Advance Monitoring base need to be replaced?

And also how long for the monitoring base?


The monitoring base and the monitoring cartridge in the Advance Termite Baiting System will only work if they are not moldy and water logged.  Installing the stations properly with room beneath them for water to drain will ensure you get the longest life out of the wood and monitoring cartridge as possible.  For the most part though, you should replace all of the wood bases and monitoring cartridges at least once a year.  Depending on the weather and amount of rain, you may have to replace them more than once if they need it.  Termites like moisture, but they do not like to swim, and they will not go into the station if the wood base is too moldy and decomposed.

Answer last updated on: 09/09/2011

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