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Veronica from Parchment, Mi writes

How should you handle Tempo SC Ultra?

My landlord gave me a bottle of tempo sc ultra to treat a bedbug problem in our Apt. My boyfriend has gone crazy with the stuff. Spraying every few day's in hopes of getting rid of the problem. I am worried for our safety breathing it in all the time.


Tempo SC Ultra should not be used any more often than every 7 days for bedbug control. We have linked the Tempo SC Ultra product label in this answer so you and your partner can learn how to use the product properly. Tempo SC Ultra is labeled only to use as a crack and crevice spray around the perimeter of the room. It is not labeled to be used on mattresses, furniture or other items that will be coming in prolonged skin contact. When Tempo SC Ultra is being applied only the applicator should be in the room. Everyone can return to the space after the application has dried and the room has been vented.  Over use of a product can cause insects to become resistant to the chemical you are using so care should be taken to follow the product label instructions.

Answer last updated on: 04/27/2012

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