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Vic from Bonita Springs, Fl writes

How soon after application of Spectracide Triazicide can I turn on my sprinklers?


Per the Spectracide Triazicide Once & Done Insect Killer Concentrate Label it depends on what you are treating for in your lawn. For subsurface insect control (mole crickets, grubs), water treated area with additional ¼ to ½ inch of water for optimum results. For surface insects including ants, armyworms, cockroaches, crickets, cutworms, earwigs, fleas, ladybeetles, lawn moths (sod webworms), millipedes, mosquitoes, moths, Palmetto bugs, sowbugs, mites, spittlebugs and waterbugs. Thoroughly wet down grass a few hours before applying. Delay additional watering or mowing for 24 hours after application for optimum control of surface insects. 

Answer last updated on: 10/23/2016

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