Product Q&A

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Heidi writes

How strong is the odor of Hi-Yield Indoor/Outdoor 10% Permethrin Insecticide when sprayed?

Could you please give me an indication of how strong is the odor? I purchased the Petcor flea for dogs, which is safe to spray directly on the pets, but the odor is so strong - stronger than any of the other home & carpet sprays I purchased - and the dogs do not tolerate it at all. Thank you in advance for any advice you could offer.


Most products that contain permethrin including the Hi-Yield Indoor/Outdoor 10% Permethrin Insecticide
do have an odor that some people find offensive. We have never had a customer report that the odor lasted for a long time. If the smell of permethrin products is bothersome you may want to consider using the "spot on" flea and tick treatments that used to only be available through your vet but are now available over the counter at most pet supply stores and other big box stores.

Answer last updated on: 07/20/2011

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