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Kirbee from Pasadena, Ca writes

How to apply Rat - Out Gel?

There are rats in my basement, they won't touch the traps and I'm wondering how to apply this gel so they won't chew their way into my house again like last summer. Please help


Per the product label for Pest Barrier Rat-Out Gel Rodent the instructions are as follows: Apply in or near holes, crevices, cracks, seams, on beams, corners and trees. Create a rodent-free zone by surrounding the area with gel. Apply RAT-OUT Gel to any surface where rodents travel, such as beams, ledges, ceiling tiles, trees, gutters, cornices, holes, cracks, HVAC, and roofs. This product also prevents rodents from eating wires, cables, and conduit

Answer last updated on: 04/22/2015

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