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James from South-west Tennessee writes

how to control yellow nutsedge in an established bermuda sod?

I have 6 acres of bermuda that I want to control nutsedge. I have msma available. I used 1.5 lb of resolute per acre in march. the resolute is doing a good job except on the nutsedge. I would like to use my sprayer that applies 25 gallons of water at 40 psi per acre. Is there any thing that I can use that I can kill the present nutsedge and then have a premerge that will control the seedlings? Is there a dormancy period before a nutsedge seed will germinate?


You would either want to use Sedgehammer Herbicide or Dismiss Turf Herbicide for post emergent control of your nutsedge. Both will do a great job and cover a large area. The Sedghammer is primarily for Yellow and Purple Nutsedge and Kyllinga. Each bottle of Sedgehammer would treat roughly 1 acre so you would need 6 of these to complete the treatment. The Dismiss covers sedges as well as may other broadleaf weeds in established lawns. The Dismiss gets used at the rate of 8-12 ounces per acre for Bermuda grass so at the lower dilution you would need 8 bottles to cover all 6 acres of your property as a broadcast spray. A surfactant is not needed with the dismiss, however if you use the 1.33 ounce bottle of Sedgehammer a surfactant would be required. These are the top products on the market for nutsedge control. There are no products on the market that will control nutsedge as a pre-emergent. Please let us know if you have any other questions.

Answer last updated on: 06/21/2013

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