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James from South-west Tennessee writes

how to control yellow nutsedge in established bermuda grass?

I have a 6 acre yard that is infested with nutsedge. how do I control it now and is there a premerge that will control seedlings? I would like to spray with my sprayer broadcast that applies 25 gallons of water at 40 psi. per acre if possible. I used resolute as a premerge this year and it is doing a good job on everything but the nutsedge. I also have msma available if you feel it would be of any help.


You would either want to use Sedgehammer Herbicide or Dismiss Turf Herbicide for post emergent control of your nutsedge. Both will do a great job and cover a large area. The Sedghammer is primarily for Yellow and Purple Nutsedge and Kyllinga. Each bottle of Sedgehammer would treat roughly 1 acre so you would need 6 of these to complete the treatment. The Dismiss covers sedges as well as may other broadleaf weeds in established lawns. The Dismiss gets used at the rate of 8-12 ounces per acre for Bermuda grass so at the lower dilution you would need 8 bottles to cover all 6 acres of your property as a broadcast spray. A surfactant is not needed with the dismiss, however if you use the 1.33 ounce bottle of Sedgehammer a surfactant would be required. These are the top products on the market for nutsedge control. There are no products on the market that will control nutsedge as a pre-emergent. We can not offer any information on MSMA as it is no longer on the market for purchase. Please let us know if you have any other questions.

Answer last updated on: 06/24/2013

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