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Ravinia from Martinez, California writes

How to dilute Boracare?

I purchased a gal. of Boracare and mixed in my 2 gallon sprayer. I poured 5 parts of water and added 1 part(1/4 gal.) and pumped. Well, it would not spray. It was really, really thick. I ended up pouring the solution around the foundation walls. I ordered the sprayer from your site and another gallon and it is due to arrive today. Can you advise me how to dilute Boracare properly? Should I use warm water? should I shake it? Is your sprayer special than the ones in the market? I am confident about your product, but I am not so confident in my skill. I have so much space to spray and I want to report a good review!


Boracare MUST be diluted using hot water. As you noticed, cold water will not allow the Boracare to dilute with the water and you will just wind up with a clogged sprayer. You should dilute the Boracare with hot water in a bucket and then add the dilution to your sprayer to avoid clogging. (Never mix Boracare directly in your sprayer)

Answer last updated on: 08/15/2011

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