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Dustin from Mill Creek, Wa writes

How to get rid of fruit flies for good in my restaurant

I run a clean restaurant. About 2 years ago we got fruit flies and I can't get rid of them. We had a pest control company for about a year which didn't do much and when I realized I could do this myself I started ordering products from your website. I currently use drain gel, steri-fab, natural catch fly plus, clean air purge III and fly web fly lights. I have greatly minimized the flies at a major expense with all these products but I can't get rid of them completely. Our floor drains are cleaned each night. What more can I do?


We would recommend continuing to use the Drain Gel and fly lights you have to keep the numbers down. You could also try the Vector 960 Fruit Fly traps. The Vector 960 Fruit Fly Trap allows you to locate the source or sources of fruit fly infestation by monitoring the count of flies caught. This will help in identifying exactly where you need to treat as well as catching flies in the process.

Answer last updated on: 02/05/2015

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