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John from Hollywood, Fl writes

How would I mix Adonis 75 WSP for treating my mature coconut palms(8-12in. trunks) for whiteflies?


The Adonis 75 WSP comes in four 2.25 oz water soluble packets. You will use one 2.25 oz packet of Adonis 75 WSP per 37.5 inches of cumulative trunk diameter at breast height. You can mix the packet in any amount of water that is comfortable for you to work with (1 qt - 1 gallon of water per inch of trunk diameter). Applicators are encouraged to use higher volumes of water on loose or sandy soil since the soil can accept the higher volume of water. Use the lower volume of water on dense soils where runoff may occur if too much water is used.  You must go back and water the application in to insure root uptake. Be sure to keep soil moist for at least two weeks after the soil drench application. An alternative to using the Adonis 75 WSP is Dominion 2L. Dominion 2L is a liquid imidacloprid product that can be mixed in smaller batches than the Adonis 75 WSP which forces you to mix large amounts of product at a time.

Answer last updated on: 02/27/2012

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Adonis 75 WSP

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