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Amy from Norton, Ma writes

Ice dam caused gnat invasion..what should I do (i.e. clothes, rugs bedding)?


"Gnat" is a term that is used interchangeably to describe any number of small flying insects. It is important to properly identify exactly what type of insect you are dealing with so that a proper pest control program may be chosen. To identify an insect, several adults should be captured and dropped in alcohol. Next your local Cooperative Extension Office should be contacted for information on insect identification in your area. For any insect on clothes washing and drying them is the best way to kill anything on them.  For the rest of the home, you could use a space spray to kill the ones that are flying around.  Microcare would be a good one. Otherwise treatments are going to vary depending on the type of gnat you are actually dealing with.

Answer last updated on: 03/23/2015

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