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Russell from Alabaster, Al writes

If I'm applying Caravan G for grub control in April or May, will I need to make another application later?


The Caravan G may need to be reapplied around July to help catch all cycles of grubs that can emerge or feed below the soil since there are several each year. You may want to consult with your counties extension office program to find out details on when grubs and the life cycles usually hatch in your area.  The Caravan G Product Label states: To help prevent white grubs, apply Caravan G up to 45 days before the historical peak of adult flight for the targeted species. Irrigate within seven (7) days of application to move Caravan G into the root zone where grubs feed. To control white grubs, apply Caravan G from egg hatch to 2nd instar. For optimum white grub control, apply Caravan G from peak adult flight through egg hatch of the primary species being targeted. Irrigate within one (1) day of application to move Caravan G into the root zone where grubs feed. Maintain adequate soil moisture before and after application for optimum control and healthy turfgrass growth. Excessively wet or dry conditions may impact the performance of Caravan G against white grubs and mole crickets. Do not mow the turf until the treated area has been irrigated or rainfall has occurred to allow for maximum and uniform uptake into the turfgrass or soil.

Answer last updated on: 03/24/2021

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Caravan G Insecticide Fungicide

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