Product Q&A

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William from Poway Ca writes

If planning to use beneficial nematodes to kill Japanese Beetle larva (white grubs) that are eating my strawberry roots, can I also apply Sevin Concentrate to kill the adult Japanese Beetles without injurying the nematodes?


The active ingredient Zeta-Cypermethrin contained in Sevin Concentrate could potentially harm beneficial nematodes, so we would not recommend applying at the same time.  According to the product label for application to berries, Sevin Concentrate should be applied as a spot treatment for pest infestations on the berries.  Apply spray mixture to upper and lower leaves, around fruit clusters, and on branches and trunks up to the point of runoff.  Reapply if insects return, but not more than once every seven days and according to pre-harvest intervals.

Answer last updated on: 08/27/2021

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