Product Q&A

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B from Florida writes

If using the Chapin Professional Hose-end Sprayer with Metering Dial (G362D), can Talstar P be sprayed at the rate of 1 fl oz in 3 gallons of water as long as the entire amount is applied over the entire 1000 square foot area? Using more water makes it easier to cover the correct area with a hose end sprayer.


Talstar P Professional Insecticide should not be applied using a hose end sprayer when treating  lawns, landscape beds, trees, etc. The liquid concentrate is too thick of a liquid and would clog the hose end sprayer. In a handpump or backpack sprayer, you can use the 1fl oz of Talstar P in 3 gallons of water over 1000 sq ft to insure adequate coverage. 

Answer last updated on: 04/24/2021

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