Product Q&A

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Kyle from Upstate Ny writes

IfI spray Cy-Kick Aerosol around some flood lights that yellow jackets like to fly around and land near, how long will this last with residual effect after it dries and is exposed to rain?


 Cy-Kick Aerosol - 17.5 oz.  is not labeled for yellow jacket control. A product like Temprid Ready Spray is labeled for wasps and can have an outdoor residual of up to 30 days or more, depending on the conditions.  Heavy rains can certainly diminish some of the residual, but it really depends on the specific conditions.  It's recommended to find the nest and treat it directly to get rid of the source.  If you're unable to find the nest directly, this can be used in the area you're describing.  If you're looking for a product to treat a larger area, you can try something like Cyzmic.  

Answer last updated on: 04/23/2018

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Cy-Kick Aerosol

Cy-Kick Aerosol

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