Product Q&A

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Susan from Shelby, Nc writes

I'm thinking of using Hi-Yield Spreader Sticker with Weedmaster on a horse pasture.

I know that with Weedmaster, horses can be turned out after it has completely dried. I tried to read the labels on the website but I saw no reference to returning animals to the pasture. How will this product affect that timing or can it be used on pastures with horses period?


Yes, Hi-Yield Spreader Sticker Non-Ionic Surfactant can be used with Weedmaster on a pasture where there are horses. Since the products will be mixed together, the re-entry interval is the same, the horses are safe to re-enter the area once the product has had time to dry typically after 4-6 hours.

Answer last updated on: 04/25/2021

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