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Wendy writes

I'm using Advion bait arenas. Just got Gentrol Point Source and long does it take to work?

Will both of these products work to get rid of roaches? Do I need to get something else.


Gentrol Point Source Stations will cause the roaches to become deformed. It also will prompt the females to prematurely lay their eggs (the eggs will also be affected by the product).  You should place a Gentrol Point Source disc in each room. For the kitchen area, you can use the sticky tabs included in the package and place the disc on the side or behind the fridge or place it to the side of the cabinets or pantry. You only need to keep the disc away from food prep areas not from stored food product. Gentrol Point Source should never be used to eliminate a roach population by itself.  Gentrol will not kill only prevents them from reproducing.  You should use roach baits like the Advion Roach Bait Gel and roach sprays like the Cyzmic CS in conjunction with the Gentrol Point Source. Please take a moment to look at our Roach Control Kits. 

Answer last updated on: 07/23/2021

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Gentrol Point Source

Gentrol Point Source

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