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Edward from Renova writes

Is 4-4 Mosquito, Fly & Gnat Control safe to use in a 2 gallon pump sprayer? What's the mix ratio in trying to control flies?


No, 4-4 Mosquito, Fly & Gnat Control cannot be applied using a hand pump sprayer, it is only labeled to be applied via ULV NonThermal Foggers (cold fog), Thermal Aerosol Fogging equipment, Aerail Applications or Mist Blower.  We would suggest Vector-Ban Plus that contains 10% Permethrin and 10% PBO as an alternative that can be used in automatic misting systems, outdoor band applications, indoor applications, crack & crevice, ULV & space spray, and on listed animals. Vector-Ban Plus controls mosquitoes that transmit the West Nile Virus, Flies, Gnats, Wasps, Fleas, Cockroaches, Bed Bugs, Spiders and many more nuisance insects. The mix rate for severe infestations is 6.4 fl oz per gallon of water & for maintenance applications, mix 3.2 fl oz per gallon of water. 

Answer last updated on: 08/08/2018

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