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Jose from Chicago, Il writes

Is CoRoN 18-3-6 Plus 0.5% Fe a weed killer?

I have thick weeds in my grass that l would like to kill. Do you think this will help?


CoRoN is a liquid fertilizer with the unique properties that fit turf, ornamental and horticultural feeding needs.  CoRoN is not an herbicide and will not aid in trying to treat for weeds.  Please refer to the product label if you have any other questions regarding what CoRoN can be used for.  We are happy to assist you with choosing an herbicide if you would like to provide us with additional information such as the target weeds, type of desirable turf, and size of the treatment area.

Answer last updated on: 09/26/2016

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CoRoN 18-3-6 Plus 0.5%

CoRoN 18-3-6 Plus 0.5%

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