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Jim from Homer, Ny writes

Is CuPRO 5000 DF Fungicide effective against bacterial blight of pelargoniums? Can this be applied for indoor potted plants and would it be applied as a foliar spray or soil drench?

Is CuPRO 5000 DF Fungicide effective against bacterial blight of pelargoniums? (indoor potted plants). Would it be applied as a foliar spray or soil drench? Mixing ratios?


CuPRO 5000 DF Fungicide is not labeled to be used on indoor potted plants. Unfortunately, resources advise once the plant is impacted or showing signs of disease, there is no cure or remediation to save the plant. It is recommended to immediately discard infected plants after a positive diagnosis is made and then discard unwanted plants at the end of the season. Disinfect all gardening tools, prep surfaces, as well as gloves and washing your hands when handling soil, clippings or matter from the infested plant to prevent spreading.   Per the University of Massachusetts Extension Office Article, there are no pesticide sprays or drenches that will cure plants or provide total protection from bacterial diseases. Good sanitation practices such as these listed below are recommended.     Symptomatic plants should be discarded. Diseased plant debris should be promptly removed from the growing area. Workers should wash their hands frequently and immediately after handling infected plants or soil. Splashing from irrigation water should be minimized. Minimize leaf wetness by watering early in the day or sub-irrigating. Avoid handling plants when they are wet. Nutrition may affect disease susceptibility; avoid excess or insufficient fertilization. Culture index stock plants or purchase of plants from a reputable source. Tools should disinfected frequently. Do not re-use growing medium. Do not hang ivy baskets over seed or zonal geraniums. As much as possible, separate seed geraniums from vegetative cuttings. Plants from different propagators should be separated. Bactericides such as copper hydroxide and copper sulfate pentahydrate are only marginally effective in controlling bacterial diseases however houseplants or indoor use is not listed on the label . Another resource you could try would be a local nursery growing center for their recommendations on how they treat their plants if this disease is noticed and how they keep it from spreading throughout the nursery. 

Answer last updated on: 10/31/2022

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CuPRO 5000 DF Fungicide

CuPRO 5000 DF Fungicide

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