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Gloria writes

Is Cyper WP effective against Allegheny Mound Ants?

We have Allegheny Mound Ants will Cyper WP be an effective product to control and or rid our property of this type of ants. We also have fire ants and maybe one or two other species of ants but the Allegheny Mound Ants are causing the most problems since they are so aggressive.


Yes, Cyper WP should be effective if you use it as a drench on the mounds. Using a shovel, scrape away the top of the mound and pour one gallon of the diluted Cyper WP into the mound. Unfortunately we cannot find one product that has been labeled for Alleghany Mound ants. Cyper WP is labeled for ants in general and fire ants specifically.

Answer last updated on: 05/06/2010

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