Product Q&A

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Tina writes

Is Diazinon insect spray not sold in stores anymore?

I have some left from 2yrs ago and need to know how much to add with water. Can you help me with this?


The EPA made the decision to ban diazinon in 2000 and phase it out for indoor uses, beginning in March 2001 and for all lawn, garden and turf uses by December 2003. All retail sales for diazinon were supposed to end by December of 2002. There are many great products on the market today that are much safer to use than diazinon. Please call us at 866-581-7378 for product recommendations. You may be able to Google the name of the diazinon product that you have and find an old product label with usage instructions. 

Answer last updated on: 04/05/2010

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