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Jp from Grand Prairie writes

Is Distance IGR as effective as Tekko Pro IGR?


They are both professional IGRs that are effective if used for the listed pests as directed. Distance IGR controls insects including whiteflies, scales, shore flies, and fungus gnats in indoor (greenhouse, lath and shadehouse, and interiorscapes) and outdoor ornamentals, including flowering and foliage crops, ground covers, shrubs and ornamental trees, non-bearing fruit and nut trees and indoor grown fruiting vegetables. Tekko Pro Insect Growth Regulator makes controlling the insect population simple for Fleas, Roaches, Flies, Mosquitoes, Gnats, Crickets, Litter Beetles and Ants in Commercial & Residential Indoors & Outdoors: Apartments, Dairies, Food Processing Plants, Hospitals, Hotels, Nursing Homes, Office Buildings, Kennels, Restaurants, Sport Stadiums, Supermarkets, Theaters, Warehouses and Lawns.

Answer last updated on: 05/03/2017

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Distance IGR

Distance IGR

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