Product Q&A

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Carol from Luverne writes

Is Ike's Sandbur and Crabgrass Preventer effective as a fall application to control weeds for the following spring/summer season?


A fall application of Ike's Sandbur and Crabgrass Preventer is recommended to help prevent the germination of winter weeds and to get an early start on preventing weeds for spring. Fall pre emergent applications will not stop weeds from germinating all spring and into summer therefore you would need to apply a pre emergent again in early spring when soil temps are just under 55 degrees to best prevent spring/summer weeds. Please view our Lawn Care Schedule Calendar and Lawn Guides for more information. 

Answer last updated on: 09/06/2021

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Ike's Sandbur and Crabgrass Preventer

Ike's Sandbur and Crabgrass Preventer

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