Product Q&A

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Amrita from Santa Clara,ca writes

Is it ok to steam the Protect-a-Bed Allerzip mattress cover while it is on the mattress?

Is it ok to use the bed bug control steamer on the Protect-a-Bed Allerzip mattress cover while it is on the mattress? I do not want to take it out from the mattress to wash it just to make sure that if there are any bed bugs trapped inside the zipped cover they should not escape if I take out the mattress cover.


We do not recommend steaming the mattress encasements. You should steam the mattress before placing the encasement on it. Any bedbugs that are left on the mattress after the encasement has been put in place will eventually die from starvation. The Protecta Bed mattress encasements have a special waterproof backing and you will risk blistering the backing if you choose to steam it. Also, the mattress encasements have special bedbug proof zippers which will prevent bedbugs from entering or exiting.

Answer last updated on: 11/14/2011

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