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Terry from Delaware writes

Is Maxforce safe to use around birds?

I have pet parrots. What are the ingredients in Maxforce and it is safe around birds and cats? Can I get written information to show my vet about the safety? Is there a guarantee available? Thank you.


Maxforce FC Roach Bait gel should be safe to use around any pet as long as you keep the application out of reach of the pet. Since you are applying a gel and not a spray, there is nothing released into the air where sensitive animals such as birds could run into respiratory issues. That being said you should always defer to your veterinarians advice. We do not have any other written safety information other than the information available on the product label and the MSDS. We do not offer product guarantees but these are the same products used by professionals and if you use them as part of your roach control plan you will have the same results as a professional. I have included a link below for you to learn what is needed for a complete roach control program:

Answer last updated on: 11/12/2012

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Maxforce FC Roach Bait Gel

Maxforce FC Roach Bait Gel

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