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Connie from Virginia writes

Is Monterey Fruit Tree & Vegetable Systemic Soil Drench labeled for peach tree borers on plums and peach trees?

Have a plum and a peach tree with a brownish orange jelly like substance at the base of the trees. I took a trowel and removed the soil away from the base of the tree and I looked for holes or grubs but I didn't see any. I read online that tree and shrub soil drench would work. Will your product kill those borders? If not what should I do? I do have spinosad that I use for my corn.


Monterey Fruit Tree & Vegetable Systemic Soil Drench is only labeled to control aphids and leafminers on nectarine and apricot trees.  We are not aware of a drench product that will control borers and still allow you to eat the fruit.   Unfortunately, if the trees are very heavily infested, it may not be possible to save them, but if they are not, you may want to consider using a product that contains the active ingredient Spinosad, such as Monterey Garden Insect Spray. This can be sprayed on tree trunks as larvae hatch and directly into borer holes. Spraying can be repeated every six days up to two weeks before harvest. Please view the Monterey Garden Insect Spray product label for more information. 

Answer last updated on: 03/02/2022

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