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Sue from Gig Harbor, Wa writes

Is my fly situation typical?

I assume I'm dealing with the typical house fly. The flies we have look like the pictures I've seen of the typical house fly. What's strange about our problem is we are a museum and the flies are only in our lobby and nowhere else in the facility. We have a vaulted ceiling, no food, plants or dead critters to attract the flies and I don't think they are coming from the outside. We only seem to have this problem at this time every year. We have no idea what causes it but every day we have anywhere from 30 to 100 dead flies. If you could shed any insight in to this problem I would appreciate it.


It sounds like you may be dealing with cluster flies. These flies do indeed resemble a housefly but cluster flies move indoors to survive the cold winter weather. Please read our article Cluster Fly Control to learn more about eliminating this pest and preventing them from entering your facility in the future.

Answer last updated on: 10/11/2012

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