Product Q&A

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Lillian from Chicago, Illinois writes

Is Nyguard EZ1 effective for a mite infestation in my car?

I need to know if this product will be effective and how to use it. Also, how long will the product take before it take care of the problem?


Nyguard EZ1 is not labeled for mites and we do not think it would work for your needs. Nyguard EZ1 is an insect growth regulator and when applied according to the product label it can help control the reproductive cycle of insects such as cockroaches, fleas, mosquitoes, ants and other listed pests. Many species of mites can be very hard to get rid of and treatments can takes several months but our customers have reported very positive results when using a product called Sterifab in conjunction with regular vacuuming.

Answer last updated on: 09/05/2011

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