Product Q&A

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Benjamin from Royston writes

Is Ortho MAX Fire Ant Killer Broadcast Granules a safe product to treat an area with that chickens will kick and scratch in?

We have alot of yard birds, some we just collect the eggs, some we eat as meat birds. Is this product safe to treat the yard with ? the chickens are not contained to this area but they will come through it and kick and scratch?


Ortho MAX Fire Ant Killer Broadcast Granules is only labeled for home lawns only and we cannot recommend it for areas where chickens roam.  Having said that, the active ingredient is available in other products that are labeled safe for poultry houses so it may be fine to use as long as the chickens are out of the area during treatment and until it is dry after watering in.  We would recommend contacting the manufacturer directly to confirm though and they may have a better recommendation. 1-866-324-9192

Answer last updated on: 04/02/2019

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