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Cory from Victoria writes

Is Quinclorac 75 DF Herbicide effective on Brassicas

I'm looking to kill weeds in Switchgrass and Brassicas fields without harming them, will this be effective?


Quinclorac 75 DF Herbicide would not be safe to use in brassica fields, both because it would harm the plants as well as not being labeled for use in areas with edible vegetation. Grass Out Max and a Non Ionic Surfactant can be used over the top of brassicas and many other edibles to control grassy weeds growing within them, but we cannot say what the safety to Switchgrass would be. Its not labeled to target it, but it's also not labeled as safe or tolerant to the product, so you would need to test a small area for tolerance before making broader applications. We do not carry any herbicides for broadleaf weeds in those settings, you may need to reach out to your states Department of Agriculture for farming recommendations. 

Answer last updated on: 07/30/2021

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Quinclorac 75 DF Herbicide

Quinclorac 75 DF Herbicide

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