Product Q&A

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Jin from Austin, Tx writes

Is Sevin still active once it is mixed with water?

I have a severe case of bedbugs and was told to spray all infected areas with sevin mixed with water since my infestation is so severe. Will it work?


Sevin is not labeled for use on bedbugs or for use indoors and you should not use the product for off label uses. You should use products that are specifically labeled for bedbugs to eliminate the infestation. Please consider purchasing one of our bedbug kits as they come with the products that you will require to eliminate bedbugs. You should use bedbug proof mattress and boxspring encasements on your bed.

Answer last updated on: 02/12/2012

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Sevin Dust 5% - 3 Pack

Sevin Dust 5% - 3 Pack

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