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Kathy from Fort Worth, Tx writes

Is there an equivalent product for St. Augustine grass?

Our lawn has been overrun with daisy fleabane, spurge, crabgrass, and other weeds. We need a product(s) to kill those weeds now (early fall in Fort Worth, TX) and prevent them from coming back in the spring, as well as feed the lawn.


Yes Ferti-Lome St. Augustine Weed and Feed 15-0-4 would be the equivalent product for St. Augustine grass.  This should be applied in early spring to prevent crabgrass, paspalum, spotted spurge, and sedge; and then again in the fall to avoid winter weeds like evening primrose, rabbit tobacco, henbit, and chickweed. Check the label for a number of other weeds that Ferti-Lome St. Augustine Weed and Feed 15-0-4 will control. Remember to water in Ferti-Lome St. Augustine Weed and Feed 15-0-4 after application.

Answer last updated on: 10/23/2017

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