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Catherine from Pegram writes

Is there a "best time of year" to apply Holy Moley Organic Mole Control? How is it applied?


Holy Moley Organic Mole Control can be used at any time as long as the ground is not frozen, but according to the manufacturer, this product generally works best during spring, summer, and fall when moles are eating grubs, earthworms, and other food sources.  Instructions for use: Day One: Apply Holy Moley on lawn area not affected with moles.  Water in for 20 minutes. Day Two: Apply Holy Moley on lawn area infested with moles.  Water in for 20 minutes. Day Three: Re-Apply Holy Moley on entire lawn and water in for 20 minutes. Repeat every 6 weeks. Tip: Punch holes into mole tunnels.  Shake two tablespoons of Holy Moley into each hole.  Close hole.   

Answer last updated on: 11/15/2018

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