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Russ from Denver, Co writes

Is Trinity TR Total Release Fungicide safe to use in an indoor garden?

Treating powdery mildew on medical cannibis


Trinity TR Total Release Fungicide is for closed commercial greenhouses only.  It cannot be used for an indoor home garden. Below is a response and a list of products we carry when we asked an expert what could be used on marijuana plants for disease control: Customers will need to make their own decision as to what they consider safe. Some of these products are natural and organic and others aren’t. Some products, like the miticides, probably shouldn't be used when the plants are flowering. Wettable sulfur for fungus, mites, Eagle 20EW Specialty Fungicide for fungus Neem oil for fungus and mites There is a great article here that might also help. While the link is for Washington state, some of the products used might be able to be used.   Another option is to check grower sites or check with your local agricultural department for the best recommendations.

Answer last updated on: 03/17/2016

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