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Jacquie writes

I've had a company spray for clothing moths two weeks ago. Should it be sprayed again because of the eggs?

I haven't seen any moths since, but I've read that the eggs can't be killed with pesticides. And that it takes up to 30 days for the eggs to hatch. None of the companies I've called have dealt with clothes moths before. I'm so desperate to finally be rid of them. I have everything I own in space saver bags and totes. I'd really appreciate some advice from someone who's dealt with and hopefully successful with this problem. Thank you


The most important part of clothes moth control is finding the source and thoroughly cleaning the item(s) or disposing of the item(s) all together. Failure to do so will lead to poor results. Clothes moth eggs generally hatch out within 10 days during warmer temperatures and two weeks or longer during colder temperatures. Spraying a second time will help kill the adults but unless the larva are targeted you may continue to need additional treatments. Please take a moment to read our article How to Get Rid of Clothes Moths to learn more about this pest.

Answer last updated on: 05/16/2011

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