The KN95 Respiratory Masks are manufactured in China.
The KN-95 masks manufacturer will vary based on supplier availability.
These KN95 Respiratory Masks are manufactured in China and are similar to the N95 Masks commonly used in the Untied States.
Please take a moment to review this helpful article, Factors to Consider When Planning to Purchase Masks From Another County (including the N95 Masks from China). KN95 masks that meet requirements similar to those set by CDC’s National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) for respirators.
The brand is subject to change based on availability on the KN95 Respiratory Masks. They are manufactured in China. Please check the version of RoundUp you have for the manufacturer's direction on what personal protective equipment or PPE is required as this will vary from product to product but it is listed on the product label.
We apologize that we cannot offer advice/recommendations for anyone that has any health concerns. We recommend consulting with your doctor for further information on the use of PPE and products in your home.