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Paul writes

Late spring application on nutsedge?

Its the last week of May, and I have yellow nutsedge starting to appear. Is it too late (or a waste of money) to apply a preemergent? Or could I apply this in the first or second week of June, and use Halosulfuron on the plants that are already showing?


For most of the country it is too late to apply a pre-emergent.  Pre-emergents prevent weeds from germinating and growing and so if you already see weeds in your yard then it is definitely too late.  Most of the weeds should have germinated by now.  However, we are not sure where you live and we are not familiar with every part of the country.  We recommend that you call your local cooperative extension office, and they should be able to tell you the exact times of year to apply the pre-emergent in the late fall and early spring so you can treat at the proper times in the future.  As far as existing nutsedge, our most popular selling product with Halosulfuron is our Sedgehammer product. 

Answer last updated on: 05/29/2011

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