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Mike from Texas writes

Lawn Application?

Can I spray Cy-Kick CS on my lawn for effective control of Scorpions? If not, what would work better. Keep in mind, we have local watering restrictions so any type of water-activated granual is very hard to apply.


Yes, you can definitely spray Cy-Kick CS on your lawn as a broadcast for scorpion control. Cy-Kick CS can be sprayed on most types of foliage safely, with the exception of edibles. You should never spray Cy-Kick CS on any type of edible vegetation. Be sure to pay close attention to debris, lumber, firewood, large rocks, or other materials that could serve as harbor sites for scorpions. If you plan on storing any such materials outdoors it would be best to apply the Cy-Kick CS as a residual spray to surfaces directly underneath those materials. Also, you would want to spray the exterior wall of your house, spraying 2 to 3 feet up the side of the house, and 2 to 3 feet out on the ground to prevent scorpions from invading your home.

Answer last updated on: 05/22/2013

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