Mec Amine D 3-Way Broadleaf Herbicide - Questions & Answers

Displaying 1 to 20 (of 62 questions)
  • Asked by Michele from Willow Springs
    How long after Mec Amine D 3-Way Broadleaf Herbicide application can I allow dogs back on grass?
    You want to wait until the  Mec Amine D 3-Way Broadleaf Herbicide treated areas have dried. At least 4 hours.
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  • Asked by Mark from Manhattan Montana
    what is the rate per gallon of water that I should use on my lawn, it is a mixture of bluegrass
    According to the product label you should use between 1.1 and 1.5 ounces of the Mec Amine 3 Way per 1000 sq/ft in no less than 2 gallons of water.
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  • Asked by Ken from Fond Du Lac Wi
    What is the best temperature to apply Mec Amine D 3-Way Broadleaf Herbicide?

    It would be recommended to apply Mec Amine D 3-Way Broadleaf Herbicide when the temperatures are between 65 and 85 degrees. 

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  • Asked by Nancy from Westland, Michigan
    Does Mec Amine D 3-Way Broadleaf Herbicide kill poison ivy?

    Yes, Mec Amine D 3-Way Broadleaf Herbicide is labeled to kill Poison Ivy. 

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  • Asked by R. from Baton Rouge, Louisiana
    how much acreage will 2.5 gallons cover?
    Depending on what rate you are applying, 2.5 gal Mec Amine D will cover approx. 3 acres.
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  • Asked by Gary from Escanaba, Michigan
    Rain after I applied Mec Amine D
    Yesterday I applied Mec Amine D to my yard and also my neighbors yard. About four hours after I finished applying it we got an unpredicted downpour thunder storm with about 3/8" of rain. Has my Mec Amine D application been ruined or may some take?

    As long as the area that was treated with Mec Amine D 3-Way Broadleaf Herbicide was dry before the rain, there should be no issue if it rained 4 hours after.  

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  • Asked by Greg from Ashland, Ky
    What should I set my Ortho Dial N Spray for Mec Amine D?
    Mec Amine D 3 WayBroadleaf Herbicide should not be applied with a hose end applicator. Mec Amine D 3 WayBroadleaf Herbicide if not applied evenly across the yard can temporarily whiten your lawn and cause you to not see full control of the weeds you want to eliminate. Mec Amine D 3 WayBroadleaf Herbicide is best applied with some form of a pump/tank sprayer in even strokes without excess overlapping at a rate of 1.1 -1.5 fl. oz per 1,000 square feet for cool season grass and 0.75 - 0.9 fl. oz per 1,000 square feet per 1,000 square feet for warm season grass.
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  • Asked by Caterina from Springfield, Or
    Mix ratio of Mec Amine D 3-Way Broadleaf Herbicide in gallons
    What do you mean 1.1 - 1.5 per 1000 sq/ft? Please explain in easier terms. How much water do I add in gallons?

    Like most herbicides, there is not a specific amount of Mec Amine D 3-Way Broadleaf Herbicide needed per gallon of water. Your goal with herbicides is to get the recommended amount of product over the area to be treated as water is just the carrier.  On average you will use between 1 and 2 gallons (could be up to 5 gallons) of water per 1000 sq/ft when applying herbicides and you will need to calibrate your sprayer to the output that best fits your yard and application rate for your turf.  To calibrate your equipment, for example, a 1 gallon sprayer, mark off an area of 1,000 square feet, and cover that area at your normal pace as evenly as possible. If you used the enitre gallon, you would use the recommended amount of product in 1 gallon of water.  If it takes you more water to cover the area you would use the higher rate of product to ensure optimum results.

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  • Asked by Gerald from Pittsburg
    Will Mec Amine D 3-Way Broadleaf Herbicide kill or harm trees?
    Hi I recently purchased some of this and was wondering if it will kill trees if sprayed around trees

    Mec Amine D 3-Way Broadleaf Herbicide states on the product label: Do not apply on or near desirable plants, including within the drip line of the roots of desirable trees and shrubs as injury may result

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  • Asked by Chris from Wolcott ,in
    When can kids get on the lawn after Mec Amine D has been applied?

    Children and pets can return to a yard that has been treated with Mec Amine D 3-Way Broadleaf Herbicide once the application has completely dried, generally within a couple of hours. 

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  • Asked by Beth from Fond Du Lac
    Can I spot spray with the Mec Amine D 3-Way Broadleaf Herbicide to kill dandelions?

    Yes, you can spot treat dandelions with Mec-Amine D.  The rate you will use will depend on the type of turf you have.  For cool season grasses, the rate is 1.1 to 1.5 oz. per 1000 sq. ft. For warm season grasses, you will use 0.75 to 0.9 oz. per 1000 sq. feet.  Please see the product label for complete application instructions. 


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  • Asked by Chris from Ia
    How long before a rain to apply Mec Amine D 3-Way Broadleaf Herbicide?

    Mec Amine D 3-Way Broadleaf Herbicide should be applied when you are not expecting rainfall for at least 24 hours following application.

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  • Asked by Todd from Becker,mn 55308
    What is the ratio of Mec-Amine D 3 Way Broadleaf Herbicide to water for tank sprayer?
    What is the ratio for Mec-Amine D. I have a 2 gallon tank sprayer and someone told me its 1oz/gallon? I'm trying to get rid of creeping charlie. Will this also work for clover, if so is it the same ratio as the creeping charlie?

    The ratio of Mec-Amine D will depend on the type of turf you have. Yes, it is labeled for clover. It is not labeled for creeping charlie. We would recommend a glyphosate product for creeping charlie and spot treating in those areas. The rates of spray for cool season grasses are 1.1 to 1.5 fl. oz. per 1000 square feet. For warm season grasses, you will use 0.75 to 0.9 per 1000 sq. feet.

    Also, if you were looking to buy Mec-Amine D, it has been discontinued by the manufacturer. It has been replaced by 3 Way Turf and Ornamental.


    Please let us know if you have any additional questions.

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  • Asked by Steve
    How long do you have to wait before planting grass seed after application of Mec Amine D 3-Way Broadleaf Herbicide?

    The lawn may be reseseded 3 to 4 weeks after application of Mec Amine D 3-Way Broadleaf Herbicide.

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  • Asked by Mary from Meridian, Id
    How long after I spray clover in lawn with Mec Amine D 3-Way Broadleaf Herbicide can I water my lawn?
    2. Will I see response in clover & dandelions?

    Unfortunately, Mec Amine D 3-Way Broadleaf Herbicide has been discontinued. We would recommend that you use 3 Way Max Turf and Ornamental Broadlead Herbicide instead. Per the label on this product, it does not have to be watered in since this is a post-emergent herbicide. You should not apply if rainfall is expected within 48 hours, and you should see a repsonse with clover and dandelion within 10-14 days. 

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  • Asked by Frank from Sherrill, Iowa
    How much Mec Amine D 3-Way Broadleaf Herbicide per gallon of water?

    Like most herbicides, there is not a specific amount of Mec Amine D 3-Way Broadleaf Herbicide needed per gallon of water, as water is only the carrier. The label states that for cool seasons grasses 1.1- 1.5 fl oz of product is used over 1,000 sq foot area. For warm season grasses the label states 0.75- 0.9 fl oz should be used in a 1,000 sq ft area. Your goal with herbicides is to get the recommended amount of product over the area to be treated as water is just the carrier. On average you will use between 1 and 2 gallons (could be up to 5 gallons) of water per 1000 sq/ft when applying herbicides and you will need to calibrate your sprayer to the output that best fits your yard and application rate for your turf. To calibrate your equipment, for example, a 1 gallon sprayer, mark off an area of 1,000 square feet, and cover that area at your normal pace as evenly as possible. If you used the entire gallon, you would use the recommended amount of product in 1 gallon of water. If it takes you more water to cover the area you would use the higher rate of product to ensure optimum results.

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  • Asked by Janet from Farmersville, Ohio
    How soon after you spray Mec Amine-D 3-Way Herbicide can you seed the lawn?

    Per the Mec Amine D 3-Way Product Label

    Newly Seeded Areas: The application of Mec Amine-D to grass seedlings is recommended after the second mowing. 

    Newly Sodded, Sprigged or Plugged Areas: The application of Mec Amine-D to newly sodded, sprigged, or plugged grasses should be delayed until 3-4 weeks after the sodding, sprigging, or plugging operations. Also, applications to dormant bermudagrass, dormant zoysiagrass, and dormant bahiagrass are suggested. 

    Treated Areas may be reseseded 3 to 4 weeks after application. 

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  • Asked by Mark from Milwaukee, Wi
    Will Mec Amine D 3-Way Broadleaf Herbicide kill crabgrass?

    Mec Amine D 3-Way Broadleaf Herbicide is only going to eradicate broadleaf weeds. Drive XLR8 Herbicide is the latest technology in providing unsurpassed post-emergent crabgrass control. Drive XLR8 is a post emergent selective herbicide that is labeled for crabgrass as well many other troublesome weeds. Not for use on St Augustine grass.  Please refer to the product label to ensure your grass type is tolerant to the Drive.

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  • Asked by Ryan from New Richmond, Wi
    Will the application of MecAmine affect white pine trees?

    Mec Amine D 3-Way Broadleaf Herbicide states on the product label: Do not use this product on or near desirable plants, including within the drip line of the roots of desirable trees and shrubs since injury may result.

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  • Asked by Ron from Campbellsport, Wi
    Will Mec Amine D kill asparagus?

    Mec Amine D 3-Way Broadleaf Herbicide cannot be appplied within 10 feet of edibles. You can use Agrisel Avenger RTU can be used to spray actively growing weeds in a vegetable garden carefully as directed.

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Displaying 1 to 20 (of 62 questions)