Mike from West Memphis, Ar. writes
Per the Basagran T/O Herbicide Product Label: For yellow nutsedge, apply no more than 0.75 fluid ounces per 1,000 square feet (2 pints per acre) at one time. Make a second application 10-14 days later. Apply no more than 1.5 fluid ounces per 1,000 square feet (4 pints per acre) in one season.
On average you will use 40-80 gallons of water per acre depending on lawn thickness and weed size/growth stage.
This mixing rate of Basagran T/O depends on big of an area you are wanting to spot treat. Please refer to the Mixing Table on page 4 of the Basagran T/O label. The label also warns that applying this product as a spot treatment can result in excessive dosage and possible turf injury.
Area to Be Sprayed / Amount of Basagran T/O / Amount of Water
200 sq ft / 1 teaspoon Basagran T/O / 0.2-0.4 gallons of water
400 sq ft / 2 teaspoons Basagran T/O / 0.4-0.6 gallons of water
1,000 sq ft / 5 teaspoons Basagran T/O / 1-2 gallons of water
1 acre / 2 pints of Basagran T/O / 40-80 gallons of water
Sprayer Calibration Suggestions / Hand Sprayers:
1. Stake off a 400 square foot area of turf for practice. This
is an area 20' (7 steps) x 20'.
2. Add a measured quantity (1.5 gallons for example) of water to the sprayer and uniformly spray the 400 square foot area. Measure water remaining to determine the
amount applied per 400 square foot area. (Note: A minimum of 3 pints per 400 square feet is recommended).
3. Prepare the spray solution according to Table 1. Application Rates for Turf.
Example:Assume that in Step 2 the 400 square foot area was uniformly covered with 0.5 gallon of water. Referring to the table, add 2 teaspoons of Basagran T/O per 0.5 gallon of water for each 400 square foot of turf to be sprayed. (Note: Using this mix to spot spray individual weeds may result in an excessive dosage and possible turf injury.)
Answer last updated on: 08/29/2021