Mole Scram Professional - Questions & Answers

Displaying 1 to 19 (of 19 questions)
  • Asked by Ed from Batavia, Oh
    Is Mole Scram Professional safe for 10 lb. dog and why?
    Mole Scram Professional is an all natural, organic mole repellent. It is safe for pets including dogs per the manufacturer if used as directed.
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  • Asked by Connie from Gainesville Lmo
    If I use Mole Scam Pro and can't water it in, will it still work?
    Mole Scram Professional should be watered in to activate the oils in the granules to begin the repelling process.
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  • Asked by Mark from Belmont, Michigan
    Is "Mole Scram Professional" dog safe?
    I live in the woods on 2.6 acres and have 2 - 1.6 years old dogs. They have to taste everything, so everything I put on the lawn/garden has to be pet safe.
    Mole Scram Professional is an all natural product and when uses as directed is sfe for pets to be around.
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  • Asked by Chris from Ma
    What setting should I set the dial at when using Mole Scram Professional in my Scott's rotary spreader?

    The Mole Scram product label lists the appropriate settings for a few different Scotts spreaders.  If you do not see your specific model listed, we would recommend for you to watch the video on our spreaders page to learn how to calibrate your spreader correctly.  (To find the video, scroll all the way to the bottom of the page).

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  • Asked by Kenny from Choctaw Ok
    Is Mole Scram Professional safe to use in a vegetable garden?
    Yes, Mole Scram Professional is safe to use in a vegetable garden. It is an all natural, organic product.
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  • Asked by Jim from Rotonda West, Florida
    What Mole Repellent would be most recommended?
    Moles have plagued me for 11 years ruining my yard

    There are a few different methods you can use to eradicate a Mole infestation. Talprid Mole Bait is our most popular bait to treat for Moles. One Talprid Mole Bait worm contains a lethal dose and can kill in 24 hours. Giant Destroyer Smoke Gasssers are commonly used to "smoke out" the burrows and tunnels, killing any moles that are in the tunnels.

    After using the bait or gassers to kill existing Mole activity you can use Mole Scram as a repellent to keep the Moles from coming back.  Mole Scram Pro works in 2 ways, by taste that the moles dislike and a strong offensive odor that is very mild to humans. This mole repellent will not harm or kill moles, it will simply drive them away to prevent them from further damaging your lawn or garden. Can be applied any time of year. It is also an excellent preventative measure when used in the Spring and Fall. 

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  • Asked by Neal
    How is the Mole Scram Professional applied?

    Simply spread a 30 foot wide barrier around the property to be protected and reapply every 30 to 45 days. Mole Scram Professional is fast acting and immediately effective. However, mole activity will appear to increase for the first 1 or 2 days after initial application as moles become immediately uncomfortable and try to dig their way away from the treated area. We advise that you start with 3 sides of the home to give the moles an exit way, leaving one side of the home open to leave. Then after a few days apply the product to the fourth side of the home, sealing off any moles around your property.

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  • Asked by Barb from Cincinnati, Oh
    Will Mole Scram Professional hurt robins that eat the insects and earthworms?

    Mole Scram Professional is a granular, all natural, organic mole repellent that is formulated to rapidly drive moles away from your garden and lawn and will not harm birds nearby. 

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  • Asked by Beverly from Prince George, Va
    Can I apply Mole Scram Professional to a wet yard after rain and water after application?

    Mole Scram Professional should be watered in for 20 minutes following the application. The soil can be damp but not saturated prior to application.

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  • Asked by Jim from Vancouver, Wa
    Can Mole Scram Professional be mixed and applied at the same time as a fertilizer?

    For best results, Mole Scram Professional should be applied by itself and not mixed with any additional products.  There would be no way to regulate and get an even application if you were to apply it with a fertilzer.

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  • Asked by Bob from Mondovi, Wi
    Is Mole Scram safe to use near pond life (frogs, minnows, etc.)?
    Most of the mole activity in my yard is around my 1/3 acre pond. Is there any precaution necessary in proximity to the pond?

    Mole Scram Professional and other Epic Repellents are natural products, however they should not be applied directly in water or close enough that there would be runoff into aquatic areas when you water in the product. We recommend that you keep applications at least 10-20 feet from bodies of water or at least 25 feet if there is a slope down to the water.

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  • Asked by Marty from Windham, Maine
    Will Mole Scram deter voles also?

    Mole Scram is only labeled for moles, so we cannot say for sure whether it will work for voles.  Fertilome MoleGo Granules are labeled for voles as well as moles. 

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  • Asked by Hope from Bowie, Md
    Is Mole Scram Professional safe around children and pets?
    Is Mole Scram safe to use in places that will be around children and pets?
    Yes, Mole Scram Professional is safe to use. Per the brochure, it is safe to use near people and pets. Please let us know if you have any additional questions.
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  • Asked by Mark from Myrtle Beach, Sc
    I applied Mole Scram Professional to my yard, watered it in and a week later I am still seeing mole activity.
    Do I reapply and cross my fingers?

    Mole Scram Professional does state on the product label repeat in 2 weeks and every 30 days to keep up.  It is best applied just before they are active in the area in spring and fall and if already in the area you apply over several days to push them out of the area.  There is also a tip that might help "Where possible, locate mole runways, then punch 1" holes every 10 feet and drop granules into the holes and cover with soil. Also apply to the end of each runway."

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  • Asked by Leslie from Dunedin
    Will Mole Scram smell hurt my beehives?

    Mole Scram Professional is an all natural, organic mole repellent that is formulated to rapidly drive moles away from your garden and lawn.  Per the product sheet, it is environmentally safe, but you may wish to contact the product manufacturer, EPIC Green Solutions at 1-877-337-2726 for specific questions regarding how this product may impact your beehives.

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  • Asked by Paula from Bloomington Indiana
    How long using a sprinkle would it take Mole Scram Professional to reach deep tunnels in clay soil?

    Mole Scram Professional should be spread as a 30 foot wide surface barrier around the property to be protected. You would not apply to get it further down into soil.  According to the product label, "Using a rotary spreader, cover the entire area where moles are present. The initial application will drive moles out of the area and across the property boundary where they entered. The second application will ensure they do not return for up to 45 days."  

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  • Asked by Renee from Spring Tx
    Is Mole Scram Professional safe to be used on new sod planted 2 weeks ago?

    Since Mole Scram Professional does not contain any herbicide active ingredients, it will not harm newly planted sod or seed. 

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  • Asked by Joe from Bluffton
    Mole Scram Professional safety
    Does the mole repellant affect the lawn, flowers or plants?
    Mole Scram Professional is fully biodegradable and contains only natural and organic products.  It is labeled to use on your lawns, gardens and landscaped areas.
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  • Asked by Steve from Indiana
    Is Mole Scram Professional legal in Indiana?

    Yes, Mole Scram Professional can be shipped to Indiana and it's legal for you to use as long as it's for your own property.

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Displaying 1 to 19 (of 19 questions)