Monterey Grass Getter Herbicide can be used around peas and other vegetables as directed on the product label.
Monterey Grass Getter Herbicide is a grass killer so it would harm or kill the centipede grass in addition to the Bermuda. It is is only meant to be used around flowers, evergreens, ornamental groundcovers, bedding plants, shrubs, trees, fruits, and vegetables. It would not harm the oak tree. We actually do not carry a product that is labeled to remove Bermuda grass from centipede. The only suggestion we can give is to kill the Bermuda with a glyphosate product and then re-seed the centipede in those areas.
Monterey Grass Getter Herbicide is a grass killer, so it will injure the St Augustine and should not be used on lawns.
Unfortunately, Bermuda grass is so closely related to St. Augustine grass that there is nothing that will remove Bermuda from St. Augustine and not hurt the Bermuda as well. In your situation it is recommended to spot treat the Bermuda with Round Up and kill it directly, and then replant St. Augustine in those areas. We do carry some professional round up products.
Monterey Grass Getter Herbicide could also harm the zoysia grass and would not be recommended for removing Bermuda. Unfortunately Bermuda grass is so closely related to Zoysia grass that there is nothing that will remove Bermuda from Zoysia and not hurt the Zoysia as well. In your situation it is recommended to spot treat the Bermuda with Round Up and kill it directly, and then replant Zoysia in those areas. We do carry some professional Round Up products.
Monterey Grass Getter Herbicide mixing rate is 1 oz. per gallon of water per 1,800 sq. ft. Please review the product label for more information.
We recommend that you check the product labels for the Monterey Grass Getter Herbicide and the 2, 4D Herbicide you want to mix to confirm your type of desired and targeted areas are listed. You can perform a small tank jar test for a compatibility check and test a small, inconspicuous area first prior to dispersing the solution over the entire treatment surface.
Yes, Monterey Grass Getter Herbicide needs a surfactant to be effective, such as Monterey Herbicide Helper.
Monterey Grass Getter Herbicide does not control sedge (including nutsedge or nutgrass of any variety).
Monterey Grass Getter Herbicide contains Sethoxydim which is safe on Mondo grass.
Monterey Grass Getter Herbicide is not labeled to be used in any type of turfgrass so would not be recommended to use on Centipede grass as it will also likely kill the centipede.
Please view our How to Care for Centipede Grass and Lawn Care Guides for some of the most common weed Treatment Guides.
Yes, Monterey Grass Getter Herbicide is safe to apply around roses, flowers and other listed ornamentals on the product label.
Monterey Grass Getter Herbicide should not be used on your turf grass lawn as it can kill it. It is only labeled for use around Bedding Plants, Evergreens, Flowers, Fruit Trees, Ornamental Ground-covers, Shrubs, Trees, Vegetables and other non turfgrass areas