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Beverly from Enola Pennsylvania writes

Must you wait to mow your lawn before applying halts with crabgrass

I am in central Pennsylvania temperatures are above freezing and I would like to get out and apply Scott's crabgrass with halts before mowing is this recommended.The instructions say you should apply it after your second mowing


Scotts Turf Builder Halts Crabgrass Preventer with Lawn Food should not be applied to any newly seeded/sodded lawns until after you have mowed at least 4 times per the product label.  This means if you seeded in the fall and did not mow at all you will have to wait, if you did mow then, the label does state to apply in the spring before the 3rd or 4th mowing.  Otherwise it could inhibit the growth of your turfgrass seed.

Answer last updated on: 03/28/2020

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