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Ron from Toms River, Nj writes

My Arborvitae Emerald Green started to get brown from bottom up

I planted new 2 gallon (12"-24" tall) arborvitae Emerald Green about a year ago. About 4 months ago I started to notice something black (like black coal tar color) at the bottom of the two Emerald green plants. Now almost 12 plants are showing significant browning of the plants. It starts at the bottom and moves upwards. Is it a fungus (at the roots or just the top) or is it spidermoths? what is the best way to treat them before I lose them all. I am in NJ area.


We apologize but we cannot make an identification of what is affecting your plants just on that description. We would either need clear pictures emailed to us for us to look at and send over to our plant experts, or you need to consult a master gardener in your area regarding what disesases (if thats what it is) are prevalent in your area or common to that type of plant. The Master Gardener local to you will likely be able to give you better information and more accurate than we can from either pictures you bring them or having them come out to look at the plant. Once you know exactly what you have we would be happy to make a recommendation of a product to treat for it. 

Answer last updated on: 11/11/2014

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