Product Q&A

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Amber from Liberty writes

My dog is throwing up after licking Happy Jack Kennel Dip II, what do I do?

I sprayed her feet with a diluted happy jack ll mixture and she is throwing up and slobbering clear think saliva


If your pet has had an adverse reaction to the Happy Jacks Kennel Dip II product, you would need to contact your vet, and the animal poison control line indicated on the SDS (safety data sheet) on our product page. The information for contacting animal poison control is: 24 HOUR EMERGENCY PHONE: National Animal Poison Control Center (NAPCC), (800)345-4735 ext. 122, (217)337-5030. Dr. Steve Hansen, Director of Center.

Answer last updated on: 01/26/2021

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Happy Jack Kennel Dip II

Happy Jack Kennel Dip II

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