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Judith writes

My grass turned white after applying Tenacity Herbicide to the weeds. Will my grass recover?


Yes, the whitening of the target weeds and sometimes the turfgrass is normal per the manufacturer. Tenacity Herbicide is labeled to be used on Kentucky Bluegrass, Centipedegrass, Buffalograss, Tall Fescue, Perennial Ryegrass, & Fine Fescue. It is not labeled for Bermudagrass or Centipede lawns and can cause turf injury. The whitening you see is the active ingredient working its way into the weeds/grass which causes the loss of chlorophyll followed by the weeds dying off within 1-3 weeks..If using on cool season turf, you can reseed those damaged areas if needed.   Tenacity Herbicide is applied at 5oz to 8oz per acre (depending on the turf type) or for spot treatments, 2 tsp + 3 tsp Non Ionic Surfactant per gallon of water per 1,000 sq ft. Please refer to the product label for the mix rate and turf type you have. 

Answer last updated on: 04/23/2021

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Tenacity Herbicide

Tenacity Herbicide

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