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Lloyd from Impperial, Texas writes

My 4 month old female cate just died due to over exposure. What can we do if this happens again?

She was exposed at noon to day and died at 7pm. When I became aware of her medical condition when was unmoving and shakeing real hard in jerking motions. I took her to the bathtub and bathed her in cool water with dawn soap. I repeated the wash and held her in my arms in the water for an hour. We didn't have the means of adequit transpertation to take her to the emergency vet and could not get any other amswer as to any other treatment that we could preform.


We are truly sorry to hear about your cat. The Hi-Yield 38-Plus Insect Control - 38% Permethrin label instructs all pets be kept out of the treated area until the product has dried. When treating with any insecticide inside or outside, it is important to follow the manufacturer's safety proceedures. Once the product has had time to dry, it is safe for humans and pets to be in the area. Please let us know if you have any further questions.

Answer last updated on: 08/23/2014

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