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Steven from Reading Pa writes

My neighbors had bedbugs, should we use Bed Bug Kit # 1 to treat?

So my neighbors had bed bugs and moved. They left all there stuff including bed bugs and now every now and then I'll find one and sometimes they already be dead. I only found four in total two alive and two dead. Now I'm doing my part and patching cracks in my walls and painting and cleaning with Lysol and I have my mattress in protect cover. The thread floor is were I find them my bed room so that's ground zero for were they like to come out no were else so far. I was just wondering if there is anything else I can do to make sure I don't get them because I don't have the money for an exterminator plus the land lord that's cleaning the house is making matters worse by leaving the beds out side not sealed shut and spraying raid everywhere. I was just wondering if the is anything else I should be doing?


If you have have found live bedbugs we would recommend that you treat your home to make sure you get rid of the ones that might be hiding and you have not seen. You can use the Bed Bug Kit # 1 depending on the size of your home and the number of rooms you will be treating. The kits come with different product that will help you teat all the areas that need to be treated. The Temprid can be used along cracks crevices and baseboards. The Cimexa Dust can be used in wall voids, power outlets, and cracks that are to small to treat with the other products. Bedlam Insecticide Aerosol can be used on seems and folds of your mattress and boxspring, bed frames, picture frames, and furniture. There are several steps you need to take before treating with the products and you can find all the steps for the before and after treatments in our Bed Bug Guide. You can also find all the different kits here.

Answer last updated on: 02/04/2020

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Bed Bug Kit #1

Bed Bug Kit #1

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